The Rebels Ruckus basketball tournament, hosted annually at West Central High School in Rocky Mountain House, is once again set to bring a lively weekend of junior varsity basketball action.
Featuring 10 boys’ teams and 6 girls’ teams from across central Alberta and beyond, organizers say it’s one of the biggest athletic events on the school’s calendar.
“We run about four or five similar-sized tournaments each year, but this is definitely our largest junior varsity basketball event,” said Justin Klein, the school’s athletic director.
The tournament kicks off Thursday evening with the boys’ first game at 6 p.m. at West Central.
The event, which has been a tradition for nearly a decade, will include games throughout the weekend.
Klein adds that fans throughout the community are encouraged to attend.
Though there won’t be a pep rally this year, Klein noted the school is considering bringing back such events in future years.
Following the Rebels Ruckus, the school’s junior varsity teams will travel to Lacombe for a tournament in early February, while the senior basketball teams head to Ardrossan at the end of the month.
The schedule of games can be found on the West Central High School website.