Simon: They have asked us to keep our bios short and sweet, which really if you have ever caught our show, that’s not really my (our) thing. So maybe I will skip over everything other than to let you know Rocky Mtn House has been my since May of 1999 and I will get straight to the questions. (I know some of you were hoping to hear tails of a young boy growing up in Bienfait Saskatchewan)
- Q) If you won a million dollars what are you doing first?
- A) Well most likely going to the doctor to treat my heart attack (I’m in my 40s now) then to Vegas!!!
- Q) If you could meet any celebrity who would it be?
- A) Normally my answer would be Vince McMahon (owner of WWE for you non wrestling fans) but I am going to say Angela Lansbury (you know the lady from Murder she Wrote) as for why, well for starts she in her late 90s so the chance to meet her is really narrowing itself, ( I am probably going to have to update this in the near future) and for some reason Murder She Wrote is my favorite show of all time.
- Q) What is something you love that most people you know don’t?
- A) Can I answer Murder She Wrote Again (even though I think secretly there is a lot of closet MSW fans) or I could say the Montreal Canadians (I need better friends) but I think I will go with blue cheese.