To celebrate our nation’s 157th anniversary, the Rocky Museum will be hosting a special Canada Day pancake breakfast.
Museum Manager, Jean-Marie Mason says everyone is invited to the museum from to enjoy pancakes, sausages, eggs and juice. The cost is $10 for adults and for children 12 and under the cost is $5.
Mason says the breakfast will happen in the backyard of the museum (5406 48 St).
While the museum’s festivities are separate from the Town’s celebrations on the same day, Mason adds she is grateful for the Town’s support in sponsoring the musical entertainment during the breakfast.
The group Ukin, In The Rockies will be performing during the breakfast, says Mason, a group that does ukulele-infused covers of popular songs. The group will be performing from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Mason says adds proceeds from the breakfast will be a fundraiser for the museum, and is one of several throughout the year.
For those who have yet to visit the museum this season, Mason says the pancake breakfast is a good opportunity as doors open immediately after the breakfast is finished.
READ MORE: Rocky Museum open for summer hours, gears up for busy season
The breakfast starts at 8 a.m. with museum doors opening 10 a.m.

(Photo by Rocky Museum/Used with permission)